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 cos function nonlinear-fit - 5 parameters

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
crusty Posted - 05/12/2014 : 12:14:42 PM
9.0.0 G SR2 on WIN7

I tried to make an nonlinear fit to this cosinus-equation:

The fit goes to too little periods. The equation is a non constant periodic cosinus function (white light interfermoetry).

Is there an option in Origin where I can select an area where the y value of the fit have to be positive/negative?

In my case the maxima and minima are critical and the amplitude is noncritical.

Can anybody help me or give me an hint/advice for this problem?

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpyang Posted - 05/16/2014 : 6:58:05 PM
If you can make a good guess of the parameters, which I assume the important ones are A, p1 and p2, then manually do 1-iteration to see if the fit is going in the right direction.

For a starter, you should be able to find A by using the first few points and last few points and to fix it to maybe around -0,15? If you start by fixing one of two parameters and relax them after the fits are closer, then you will have a better chance to arrive at a correct fit.

Drbobshepherd Posted - 05/16/2014 : 11:31:58 AM

You have convinced me, it is a spectrum. I wish I could help, but I have to admit I am not familiar enough with this technique to be of any assistance. Perhaps some other Origin user is. Good luck.

crusty Posted - 05/16/2014 : 04:59:21 AM
The noncorrected measured Spectrum is:

I am sure it is a spectrum because I recorded it with an OSA (Optical Spectrum Analyzer) in the wavelength area [950nm - 1100nm].

My recently posted graph are corrected (with Iair and Ifiber) that only the interference oscillation remains.

Drbobshepherd Posted - 05/15/2014 : 11:44:43 AM

To fit a spectrum to a theoretical equation requires that you have a spectrum to begin with. Your data does not look like a spectrum to me; it looks like an interferogram from a Michelson interferometer. If this is the case, the x-axis is not wavelength (lambda), it is Otical Path Difference. You derive the spectrum by performing an FFT on the interferogram. Then phase-correct the spectrum to eliminate the sine coefficients and thus make A and B real.

The x-axis of the spectrum will be in units of spatial frequency, so you will have to convert to them to wavelength.

I admit I am not an interferometry expert, but I have processed more than a few FTIR interferograms so I am acquainted with the theory of the Michelson interferometer. I hope this gets you closer to a solution for your problem.

crusty Posted - 05/15/2014 : 07:15:16 AM

the experimental setup is an Michelson-interferometer for measuring the chromatic dispersion of erbiumdoped fibers.
One interferometer-arm is a moveable airpath and the other arm an erbium doped fiber with mirror at the end.

The spectrum I posted here is taken with an Optical Spectrum Analyzer on one Position(airpath).

Now I try to Fit the spectrum to an interferometry-equation with a sellmeier equation (ng(lambda)) in the cos-term.


I think an FFT wont help me evaluating these p- parameters.
Or how do you think an FFT will help me?

Thank you very much for your response!!!

Drbobshepherd Posted - 05/13/2014 : 11:43:11 AM

Have you tried FFT analysis? Your function looks like an interferogram from an FTIR spectrometer, with zero-path-defference (ZPD) at 1048. Split the data set at that apparent ZPD point and swap halves. Then perform an FFT and see what you get.


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