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 Smooth ternary contour plot?

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joybaker Posted - 08/18/2014 : 09:57:06 AM
OriginPro 9.0.0System:
Hi everyone,

I have a question about ternary contour plots. Is there a way to smoothen the contour lines? I want to make the ternary coutour plot like this (generated from Minitab, but can't custermise the lables),but my plot is quite sharp

I have seen a few post talking about this topic for example , but I am still quite confused how to do it (i.e. what to do after xyz gridding/matrix, as I still have the response as another z column?)

so wonder if there is a detailed manual or example to do it elsewhere? Or even people do it manually?

The points in my model is shown below:
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
joybaker Posted - 08/18/2014 : 11:28:17 AM
Minitab actually does all the smooting itself (as long as I have the right point for a ternary model), so I didn't set any data, and can't do anything about the graph, that's why I turn to Origin in order to custermise the graph myself. So I am not sure what kind of smoothing Minitab is using.
But anyway, this is very helpful information. Will get back to you if I have further question. Thanks!

Originally posted by lkb0221

And for the difference between Origin and MiniTab, can you try to set both of then by the same number of levels and see if still different?

lkb0221 Posted - 08/18/2014 : 11:22:58 AM
And for the difference between Origin and MiniTab, can you try to set both of then by the same colormap settings (number of levels with the same level values) and see if still different?
lkb0221 Posted - 08/18/2014 : 11:20:39 AM

We use Thin plate spline method for contour line smoothing; Total points increase factor will increase the number of points on the contour line, and Smoothing Parameter means the degree of smoothing. For details, please see:

Data boundary will plot only the area where be surrounded by data points; while layer boundary will fill the whole layer (the whole triangle) by interpolate.

joybaker Posted - 08/18/2014 : 11:17:46 AM
It's actually quite different from two software with the same data set, I use total points increase factor 100 and smoothing parameter 1, and the graph like this

and the same dataset in minitab, it shows like this

well, ignoring the colour, the patterns are still different, so that's why I wonder if these are based on differnent priciples of the smoothing?
joybaker Posted - 08/18/2014 : 11:08:17 AM
Thanks for you reply, yes I find it. I thought the matrix transfer is part of the smoothing. Could I ask you what is the principle (i.e. name of the method or equation) of this smoothing?

What is the difference between data boundary and layer boundary?

Thank you

Originally posted by lkb0221


After the ternary contour is created, you can go to Plot Details dialog, Contouring Info tab and set the Smoothing factors.
Btw, you do not need to convert XYZ to matrix in order to plot ternary.


lkb0221 Posted - 08/18/2014 : 10:16:23 AM

After the ternary contour is created, you can go to Plot Details dialog, Contouring Info tab and set the Smoothing factors.
Btw, you do not need to convert XYZ to matrix in order to plot ternary.


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