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 QQ plots for many columns at a time

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cibic Posted - 09/09/2014 : 07:22:52 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 9.1 b215
Operating System: Windows 8.1 Pro x64

Hi, I am getting frustrated with automating the task of constructing QQ plots as I have to do it on 63 columns for 6 sheets. I have tried the following:
(The obvious), in input range select all the columns of interest (added as individual columns separated by commas) -> no support, dialogue window insists of using one column.
Batch plotting on new column -> option disabled! (copy among sheets works)
Batch processing -> followed video tutorials, instructions, could never get this to work.
Looked deep in the plot_prob.xfc function but cannot find how to enable multi-column entry (not an expert in labtalk or origin C).

From my understanding there needs to be calculations of plotting then create the graph - why is this so hard to automate on multiple columns?

I do not want to get other software such as XLSTAT to do this, Origin does it fine just stupidly enough one column at time!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cibic Posted - 09/20/2014 : 08:45:20 AM
Hi greg,

This has worked for the recalculation but the batch plotting copies the first graph only for the same number of columns present in master worksheet (?). After a quick check I have verified the recalculations do occur on each column (with different names and values within). Any ideas on how to batch plot using the different sheets produced from auto-recalculation on all columns?

Thanking you in advance!
cibic Posted - 09/09/2014 : 4:08:31 PM
Hi, thank you for your reply!
greg Posted - 09/09/2014 : 2:12:53 PM
You will have to do the QQPlot once for each sheet, but it's pretty simple to replicate from there.

Here's what to do:
Select the first column of data and choose Plot : Statistics : Q-Q Plot.
( A results sheet and a graph are created. )
Got to the results sheet and click the green lock in the upper left.
Choose Repeat this for all Y columns.
( The analysis is repeated for the remaining Y columns, but graphs are not. )
Go to the Graph window of the first Q-Q Plot.
Right click on the edge of the graph and choose "Duplicate (Batch Plotting) : Duplicate with New Sheets/Books".
Select your additional columns. (The original column is excluded from the list.)
Click OK.

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