T O P I C R E V I E W |
Duff |
Posted - 09/15/2014 : 11:02:08 AM Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 9.1 sr2 64bits Operating System: windows 7 64 Hi, I've a worksheet with a lot (>100) user parameters. The problem is I can't see the rows in the bottom because the headers rows are too many. The only way was hide the some headers row or change the zoom. There's a way to scroll the headers rows and the "rows" separately? Thanks! |
6 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Duff |
Posted - 09/19/2014 : 4:12:35 PM Yes, works fine for me. Thanks a lot! |
snowli |
Posted - 09/19/2014 : 11:32:34 AM Could you check if Mask those 1st rows work?
Usually masked data will not be included in calculation and statistics.
Thanks, Snow |
Duff |
Posted - 09/18/2014 : 6:28:54 PM Thanks for your reply. The problem will be when I make math/statistics between columns I must to filter the first rows. Thanks! |
snowli |
Posted - 09/17/2014 : 5:39:14 PM I am thinking, one way could be import all data, including your user parameters into Data area of the worksheet.
Then use Origin's Mask tool to mask those User parameter rows.
Then use Origin's horizontal dividers at the bottom right corner of worksheet(same as how Excel works) to divide worksheet into panels. http://www.originlab.com/www/helponline/Origin/en/UserGuide/Splitting_Worksheet_into_Panels_using_Dividers.html
Now you can scroll down and since the parameter rows are masked, they will not be included in plotting and analysis.
Thanks, Snow OriginLab Corp.
Duff |
Posted - 09/17/2014 : 5:14:23 PM I need a lot of user parameters because I generate a worksheet, for export as TXT, with many columns of data (>100) and each column has a linked name "verticaly" in one column as "user parameter". eg. quote:
name 1 name 2 name n (linked and other parameter without a link on other rows and columns) (minimun n user parameters)
Data 1 Data 2 Data n (n columns)
I don't know an other way to do it... thanks
SeanMao |
Posted - 09/16/2014 : 01:39:51 AM Hi,
I am afraid that there is no workaround to realize the double-scrolls as you have described. We have a window split feature if you go to "Window:Split", but it can only scroll the data row part.
Do you really need to use more than 100 user parameter label rows? If I can get to know what you are trying to accomplish, maybe I can better assist you.
OriginLab Tech. Service |