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 The setting of initial peak of batch peak fit

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
itamochi Posted - 09/18/2014 : 10:40:29 AM
I have a question about batch peak analysis by Origin Pro.

Now, I do batch peak fit with many waves under the condition that peak position and height of initial sub-bands are fixed.
I determined such condition of initial sub-band from one wave that is typical.

And,the position of the sub-band were fixed, whereas their bandwidth and height could be adjusted to perform peak fit.

Although the waveform of each waves are usually resemble each other, the heights are slightly different since the number of waves to be analyzed is so large.The range of maximum height of each waves is 50% - 200%(the height of typical wave is defined 100%).

Can I use batch peak analyzer under this situation?

If not, Could you tell me how to set the height of initial sub-band on fixed peak positions for each waves ?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
itamochi Posted - 09/19/2014 : 11:31:12 AM
Thank you for your early reply.

I have already decided the peak positions(six component).

I want to decide the heights of six initial sub-bands which of peak positions are fixed at each time one wave is analyzed.
It's because the height of each waves are slightly different.

Can I do such setting by customizing the Method under Peak Filtering section and the Threshold Height? If I can, how can I do that?

Or, is it enough to decide only peak position without adapting@heights to wave shape? The range of maximum height of each waves is 50% - 200%(the height of typical wave is defined 100%).

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