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 adjust Y scale for muti-curve

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
imoada Posted - 09/29/2014 : 04:39:03 AM
Origin 9.1.0 SR3 64bit.
Win7 Ultimate sp1


There were two column Y data. One was set up as (3, 4, 5, and 6), named Y1. The other one was built as (5, 6, 7, and 8), named Y2. Y1 and Y2 had the same x column as (1, 2, 3, and 4). In one same graph (line + symbol), layer1 was created for Y1, and layer2 for Y2. Layer2 was linked to Layer1, both X axis and Y axis. Ok, one problem appeared for me, I could not find an easy way (e.g. ctrl+R) to set up a suitable Y scale automatically for showing the both curves all in the graph. In other words, no matter which layer was activated, there was always a curve which could not to be showed all when using ctrl+R.
Is there a way I didn't find in origin help, or the only way is set up Y scale manually?
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snowli Posted - 09/30/2014 : 12:27:30 PM

I have replied your email with the attached tool and how to make it work.

Let me know if it works as you expected.

Thanks, Snow
imoada Posted - 09/30/2014 : 12:19:08 PM
Thank Snow. Have done as your advice.
snowli Posted - 09/29/2014 : 2:31:25 PM

Now I see you want the two Y axis to share the same range to cover the min and max of all data.

Do you mind sending an email to, attn: Snow

We have made a special double-Y toolbox to deal with many double Y plot issues, such as rescale, align. We are planning to upload it to File Exchange tool soon. We can send it to you to use.

Thanks, Snow

imoada Posted - 09/29/2014 : 1:43:00 PM
Hello Snowli

Thanks for your answer.

If I did as your recommendation, two curves derived form two Y columns overlapped completely in the graphy. It is not good for reading and analysing. Is there actually no way to set up uni-Y axis automatically by origin system which can be used to show two curves wholly and separately?

snowli Posted - 09/29/2014 : 11:17:37 AM

We have a built-in graph template for it.
You can highlight both Y data and choose Plot: Multi-Curve: Double Y.

The reason why you can't see both curves is that you linked layer2's Y axis to layer1's with Straight 1:1. So they will share the same Y axis range. When you Ctrl+R in one layer, the other one will be cut.

You can open Plot Details dialog. Go to Layer2. On Link Axes Scales tab. Choose None for Y Axis Link.

Thanks, Snow

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