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Posted - 10/13/2014 : 06:32:59 AM Origin 8 SR0 v8.0724(B724)
Hello everybody,
I am new on this forum, so please forgive me some improprieties. If you need some more information, please ask me.
I have a few linear datas (with x,y and yErr) and want to fit it to get a graph with the fit-line and the UCL and LCL. But when I klick on analysis-fitting-fit linear-open dialog and I adjust everything, it opens a new table (FitLinear1) with the datas of the fit, but there are no datas anywhere, except the description (intercept and slope) but no results. It is just like I fit nothing. In the FitLinearCurves1-table there are the independent variable-datas but the datas of the linear Fit are just: --
I donot understand, why the program cannot fit my datas. It seems to be a problem of the yErr because without them, it works. But I need my yErr with the bars.
My setup of the fit:
recalculate: auto input data: my data
fit options: errors as weight: instrumental no more here quantities to compute: "value" check and "standard error" check regular residual analysis
Thank you for helping me. Regards
EDIT: I found the button to insert images:
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 10/13/2014 : 09:56:31 AM perfect,thank you. I normalized all my first data to 100 % => no yErr.
Posted - 10/13/2014 : 09:09:09 AM Possibly one or more of your yErr values is zero which is not allowed. Try setting it to 1E-6 or similar.