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 Export window to 'GIF' format

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norman@phy Posted - 08/23/2002 : 12:32:49 PM
I have four copies of Origin 6.1 R4 installed on 4 separate computers in my lab. However, only 1 computer allows me to export graphic windows in 'gif' format. Is there a way to get the other 3 computers to do the same? All the computers have Windows 95 installed.
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Mike Buess Posted - 09/03/2002 : 12:45:35 PM
I think there was an add-on module for exporting to GIF, but I can't find it anymore. But maybe it was downloaded earlier for the one machine. One possible solution for the other 3 is Craig Storey's HTML Genie. It creates HTML pages from Origin worksheets and graphs and makes JPG or GIF images in the process. You can find it on his web page here and on OriginLab's Add-On Modules page.

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member
norman@phy Posted - 09/03/2002 : 09:18:24 AM
OK. I am now sitting in front of the computer which has a copy of Origin 6.1 installed in it. This computer allows windows to be exported in 'gif' format. I've looked at the 'About Origin' section and there is nothing to indicate it is Origin 6.1 Pro. I still don't understand why this computer from the others.
Joe Przechocki Posted - 08/23/2002 : 4:57:20 PM
The GIF export feature is only available in OriginPro 7.

Origin 7 owners can purchase an inexpensive upgrade to OriginPro 7.

OriginPro also offers 2 other noteworthy features over Origin, namely, COM support in Origin C, and the Peak Fitting Module (PFM).
Mike Buess Posted - 08/23/2002 : 4:17:32 PM
I've noticed that difference in Origin 7.0 as well. I can export as GIF from my OriginPro at home but not from standard Origin at work. I just assumed that GIF export was only available in OriginPro, but perhaps that's wrong. Does the lab computer that allows GIF export have OriginPro and the rest Origin?

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member

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