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 Scatter plot marker on y-axis - display problem

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JonTaylor Posted - 07/07/2015 : 07:48:41 AM

I have a problem with displaying a scatter plot data point. It is right on the y-axis. I am showing the data as black circles, but the first data point is showing only a half circle. I can force it to show a full circle by setting the X-scale to below zero, but this makes no physical sense (can't have a negative concentration).

Any tips for getting the data point to show a full circle over the y-axis?

Screen shot attached.


Origin Ver. 8.6.0 64 bit
Windows 7
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
wongls Posted - 08/01/2017 : 1:18:02 PM
Thank you Aviel.

Yes, I think that works OK provided the break range is set large enough or the data point is made small enough. :)

Best regarards,
arstern Posted - 07/31/2017 : 4:08:01 PM

I tried to find a work around for this. On thing I can suggest right now is to change the location of the break by a very small amount so that it seems to start and end at the correct location. For example in the image below, the scatter point to the left of the break is at x = 21. When I set the break to start at 21, then half the point will not be shown. If I change the break to start at 21.5, then the entire scatter point is viewed. In the image its hardly noticeable in the break that it is placed at 21.5 rather than 21. Another option that might help, is to make the scatter points smaller in size.

wongls Posted - 07/31/2017 : 08:02:27 AM
Hi all,

I am having a similar problem. The solution posted works fine for the data points at the edge of the frame, but does not solve the issue if there are breaks in the scale. See attached. Any help greatly appreciated. I am using OriginPro 2015 9.2.272

JonTaylor Posted - 07/08/2015 : 04:16:21 AM
Thanks for replying Chris - that worked perfectly.

Best wishes,
cdrozdowski111 Posted - 07/07/2015 : 2:22:31 PM

Double click on your graph and in the "Plot Details - Layer Properties" dialog, go to the Display tab and uncheck "Clip Data to Frame". That should do the trick,


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