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 how to display values in or above bar graph

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hajo_old Posted - 01/28/2003 : 10:52:47 AM
Hello, all

how can I display the values above or within the bars of a bar graph?
Pleas help!

HJ Koch
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tib Posted - 01/30/2003 : 05:52:20 AM
Hi HJ and Laurie,

here is a rather cumbersome method to display labels with a LabTalk script.
It places individual labels from the active dataset in your graph.
Of course it's not as comfortable as the new Version Laurie promised for the next Version of Origin.
Maybe there's also another more elegant way with the current version?

HJ, maybe that works for you if you don't want to duplicate, blow up and mess up your existing data.
Of course, you have to play around with the positioning and offsets etc...


TMP=%[%C,'_']!wks.MaxRows; // get max. row of active dataset;
yyy=%C[i]; // y position;
xxx=xvalue(i,%C); // x position;
label -a xxx yyy -n %C$(i) (=0); // initialize label;
v1=%C[i]; // set value;
draw -n %C$(i) -v set -u; // change value;
%C$(i).text$=%[%A,>'=']; // remove '=';
doc -uw; // refresh graph;

Unfortunately, you have to run the script again every time the data has been changed...

Edited by - tib on 01/30/2003 06:09:22 AM
Laurie Posted - 01/29/2003 : 2:13:42 PM
Yes, we agree that this would be a nice feature. As you say, it should be possible to simply read out the Y-values for labeling, instead of creating a duplicate column. We've logged this information in our inhouse development database, so we can consider this for the next version of Origin.

OriginLab Technical Support
hajo_old Posted - 01/29/2003 : 02:55:33 AM
Hallo, Laurie

thanks, that works!

But in my opinion it should also be possible to simply read out the Y-values for labeling, instead to fill in the labels into a seperat column, because there is no different information in the new column, only the type is set to label! It is getting really complex to import the labels if you have huge worksheets with about 20 colums, so you have to add another 20 colums yust for labeling the graphs!

Isn't there an other solution? Would that be a new feature?

Laurie Posted - 01/28/2003 : 5:02:22 PM
Add a new column to your worksheet, set the designation as Label. You can right click on the column to do this. Copy the Y data to the Label column. Now add this label column to your graph.

OriginLab Technical Support

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