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 Xbar SPC

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prithahait2 Posted - 03/15/2016 : 6:33:34 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2016
Operating System:Windows 7

The Xbar plot requires a minimum of 2 data points in a subgroup to provide a LCL and UCL. Is there an automatic way to plot individual data points and get the LCL and UCL? I am trying to modify the Xbar and R plot types but am not able to.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shirley_GZ Posted - 03/16/2016 : 11:09:05 PM

You can use the Statistic Gadget,

In the ROI Box tab, check the Show Standard Deviation Lines check box and set Multiple of SD to 3.


Originlab Technical Service Team
prithahait2 Posted - 03/16/2016 : 12:16:37 PM
Hi Shirley,
I am trying to get the LCL and UCL for the entire set: as in for all individual values in the data set.
It would be calculated as LCL= Xmean - 3*SD, UCL= Xmean +3*SD where Xmean and SD would be for the entire data set.

Bottomline, I want to figure out a way to automatically calculate Xmean, SD, UCL and LCL for all data not just within a sub-group.

Is this something that can be generated using Origin?
Or is there a help line I can call?
Shirley_GZ Posted - 03/16/2016 : 03:09:45 AM

Yes, according to the algorithm, the QC(X bar R) chart requires at least two data points for a subgroup. Can you tell me why you want to plot individual data points and get the LCL and UCL? Because, as I understand it, if there is only one data point in a subgroup, you can’t get the mean and SD of the subgroups.Then how can you get the LCL and UCL?


Originlab Technical Service Team

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