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 OrininLab hangs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Airbusf Posted - 05/23/2016 : 11:18:58 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2016G Sr2 32 and 64-bit b9.3.203
Operating System: Windows 10

Hey everyone,

I am have been experiencing problems with OriginLab since I installed it a month ago. I reinstalled it several times, but nothing changed.

What is the problem? Well, when I start OriginLab, everything works fine. But after some time, sometimes after 5 minutes, sometimes after 1 hour, the program hangs. Well, it not really hangs... I can still move the curser and when the curser reaches a klickspot, the field gets another colour. However nothing happens when I klick at it. I cannot even close the program, save my file or change anything in the document. The only thing I can do is to copy columns and lines out of the tables (but I cannot choose another table than the active one).

I noticed that the problem occurs especially when I am working in the tables. For the time I am working with OriginLab, I have not got problems working in the graphs.

I tried compatibility mode, but it does not help.

Does anyone know the reason for this problem?

Thank you for helping!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Airbusf Posted - 06/28/2016 : 05:04:41 AM
Hello Amanda,

after some weeks I opened Origin again today and unchecked the mentioned checkbox. Unfortunately the problem occured again. It occurs with all .opj files, but only when I am editing tables. I have never had the problem when I worked on graphics. I'll try to spot the exact action that causes the problem and will report it.
AmandaLu Posted - 05/24/2016 : 05:11:57 AM
Hi Airbusf,

Please turn of auto-save and see if the problem is solved:

1. Select Tools: Options.
2. Go to Open/Close tab and uncheck “Autosave project...” checkbox.

If the problem happens again, please tell me what operation causes the frozen? Does every OPJ have this problem or a special OPJ? If it only happens in one OPJ, please send it to us. You can send email to

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