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 Skip Points of overlapping lines

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MrBenBen Posted - 06/15/2016 : 09:53:35 AM

I'm new in using Origin for creating graphs and now I have a problem, I can't find a solution by myself or in older topicd of this forum. I try to create a simple line+symbol plot. But the problem is, there are lines which are overlapping. So the lines and the symbols are equal and you can't see any diffrence between the lines. One line is behind the other. Is it possible to move the symbols of one line a little further, so the symbols are at other data points? And you can seperate both lines? I hope my problem is clear. Maybe the following picture is helpfull. In this picture you can see my Graph with th overlappig lines. Thanks for your help!

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Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/15/2016 : 11:57:03 AM
Hi MrBenBen,

Also, how about making an inset graph using the "Zoomed Inset" tool (
You can independently customize the inset part such as using different symbol size, making the plot type as a line plot, etc.

--Hideo Fujii
snowli Posted - 06/15/2016 : 11:26:20 AM
On Drop lines tab in Plot Details there is Skip point options but skip always starts from 1st point.

So here is what you can do.
1. Plot the two plots as line+symbol.
2. In Plot Details dialog, group tab. Set Edit Mode to independent.
3. For 1st plot, go to Drop Lines tab. Set Skip Points to 2.
4. For 2nd plot, set the symbol size to 0 so only lines shows.
5. Back to worksheet and highlight 2nd data's cells from 2nd point on to the end.
6. Mouse over the right ledge of the 2nd data column so cursor changes to graph icon. Drag the data to graph to add the plot.
7. Now double click the plot to open Plot Details.
8. Select the newly added plot and change Plot Type (at the bottom of dialog) to Scatter.
9. Then you can go to Drop Lines tab to set Skip Points to 2.

Thanks, Snow
MrBenBen Posted - 06/15/2016 : 10:49:21 AM

thanks for the quick answer. Yes, if I try this, I can seperate the lines. But now it looks like different datas. What would be a perfect solution for me is, if i could delete every second symbol so circle an square are alternates in the overlapping part of the graph. Is this possible. Because i only found the option to skip datapoints, but not to delete every second.
Chris D Posted - 06/15/2016 : 10:26:09 AM

If your two plots are grouped, you can open the Plot Details dialog and select the layer. In the Stack tab, you can specify a nice offset for the plots. It will offset the plots without changing the underlying data (which is ideal).

If the plots are not grouped, double-click on the little gray layer icon in the upper left of the graph. This will open the Layer Contents dialog. In the list of plots to the right, select all the plots and hit the Group button to group them. Then go back to Plot Details dialog and offset them.

Maybe this will work for you?

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

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