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 Position Objects on Graphs

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Cnb Posted - 06/26/2016 : 01:03:55 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): b9.2.272
Operating System: Windows

Is there a way to accurately rescale and reposition a colour scale bar on an Origin graph? I currently have many graphs with the colour scale in the same position on each one. I want to rescale and move the colour scales to a new position. I want the colour scale to be the same size and in exactly the same position on each graph. Is there a way to achieve this? For example, can I enter numerical dimensions and a new X-Y positon relative to a corner of the page.


3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Castiel Posted - 06/27/2016 : 11:21:03 AM
Originally posted by Cnb

Hi Castiel,

Thanks very much for the suggestion. It's probably obvious from my post that I'm quite a novice with Origin- I have never written and run a script using it. The text beneath your link appears in my browser as mostly small white question marks inside of diamonds. Is it meant to be an example of a script I could run or is it nothing to do with your reply? If it is an example, any idea why it would be appearing like that?

Thanks again for taking the time to reply,


That's my profile signature.... please refer to the documentation of LabTalk "doc -e". Sorry but I'm now working on OSX and cannot show you a piece of working LabTalk code.
Cnb Posted - 06/26/2016 : 6:50:05 PM
Hi Castiel,

Thanks very much for the suggestion. It's probably obvious from my post that I'm quite a novice with Origin- I have never written and run a script using it. The text beneath your link appears in my browser as mostly small white question marks inside of diamonds. Is it meant to be an example of a script I could run or is it nothing to do with your reply? If it is an example, any idea why it would be appearing like that?

Thanks again for taking the time to reply,

Castiel Posted - 06/26/2016 : 12:32:24 PM
Originally posted by Cnb

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): b9.2.272
Operating System: Windows

Is there a way to accurately rescale and reposition a colour scale bar on an Origin graph? I currently have many graphs with the colour scale in the same position on each one. I want to rescale and move the colour scales to a new position. I want the colour scale to be the same size and in exactly the same position on each graph. Is there a way to achieve this? For example, can I enter numerical dimensions and a new X-Y positon relative to a corner of the page.



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