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 Data selection for fitting

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bagyinka Csaba Posted - 07/09/2016 : 6:19:47 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2016 (64 bit) Sr2, b9.3.2.303 (BTW! If you are asking would be nice to make it copy/paste-able in the window)
Operating System:win-10

I have several problems.
First: Why it is not allowed to have different measurements (values) on the same x-values? I do not see any problem fitting same x-values in any function. I have made several fitting programs, so I do know what I am speaking about. There is no need to ignore repeated x values.
Second: Origin ignores not only the repeated x-values but also the x values which are not in increasing or decreasing order (after it has ignored repeated x values). It is also annoying. I.e. if I have x values:
it will only fit from 6-8 values (from 3540 down to 221.25, ignoring also the 1770 x-value, although it is not repeated one). I do not see any problem fitting values that are not ordered, I have made it several times in my program.

Third: This is may be a consequence of the previous problems. When selecting data intervals one can choose x values to be row number or x value. When I am selecting a graph to be fit, it is obvious that I want x-values exactly as it is on the graph. If it has x-vector definied in the graph it should be x-value in the fit as well. But it is not the case, it always defaults to row number. It is also annoying.

Thanks if you answer

Csaba Bagyinka
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bagyinka Csaba Posted - 07/11/2016 : 2:37:48 PM
Dear Hideo Fujii,

I am at a conference right now, so I can answer next week earliest.


Csaba Bagyinka
Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/11/2016 : 2:35:16 PM
Hi Bagyinka Csaba,

> So it is not the source of the problem.

Hmmm... then, could you please explain how you draw the conclusion - Origin allows neither
duplicated nor non-monotonic X values for fitting - which are both incorrect by telling me the
step-by-step procedure to get the result which led to what you thought? I will try the procedure
to reproduce the problem.

Thank you for your assistance.

--Hideo Fujii
Bagyinka Csaba Posted - 07/11/2016 : 1:53:58 PM
Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi Hideo Fujii,

THank you for answer.

Are you running English version of Origin on an English operating system? If so, Origin considers
a period(.) as the decimal separator, and consequently a comma(,)-separated strings like "442,5"
or "221,25" are considered as text, and they are treated as missing values in computation.

I am running both English and Hungarian versions of the operating system on different computers. Origin is English.

There is no problem with the comma and period (right now, before I had) since on both computers recognizes all the numbers as numbers (they are on the right). If I am making a scatter plot they are also plotted on the right place.

So it is not the source of the problem.


--Hideo Fujii

Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/11/2016 : 12:07:32 PM
Hi Bagyinka Csaba,

Origin in fact accepts either case of duplicated or non-monotonic X values for fitting.

Are you running English version of Origin on an English operating system? If so, Origin considers
a period(.) as the decimal separator, and consequently a comma(,)-separated strings like "442,5"
or "221,25" are considered as text, and they are treated as missing values in computation.
Please make sure that your decimal separator ("Tools> Options> Numeric Format") is comma
before entering the data. (You can check the value in a cell is recognized as a number
rather than text by seeing the the content is right-adjusted in the cell.)

Hope this is your case.

--Hideo Fujii

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