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 Stack incremental

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Nackter Walter Posted - 08/10/2016 : 09:31:10 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 2016 Pro b9.3.226
Operating System:Windows server2012R2

Hi, I have a problem with some stack plots, wich are set to incremental.
This option should show one bar in front of another. This works fine, but when the bigger bar becomes minor, he is behind the other and can't be seen. Here is an image:

If I chance the position of the Blank group in plot details to the first place, the 180 °C blank bar gets behind the 180 °C bar
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nackter Walter Posted - 08/12/2016 : 08:01:01 AM
Thank you very much, that worked fine.

I only have to bring the Legend in a new order.

Here the result for anyone else, who has the Problem or didn't understood what I wanted to have:

Echo_Chu Posted - 08/11/2016 : 11:09:11 PM
Hi, Nackter

Thank you for sending us the project. I can see you were plotting the columns as normal column that is why one will be be behind another.

The problem can be solved if you plot a stacked grouped column plot. Let's start from your graph

1. First we need to rearrage the plot order and make them one group in the Layer Contents dialog. The dataset you want to put in one group should be put next to each other.

2. Set the subgroup size to be 2 so that one column has two datasets in the Plot Details dialog

3. Then choose Layer1 in the left panel of Plot Details dialog, in the Stack tab, set settings as below.

I also sent you the project file I did.

OriginLab Technical Service
Nackter Walter Posted - 08/11/2016 : 07:51:59 AM
I've send the project.
Echo_Chu Posted - 08/11/2016 : 04:53:40 AM
Hi, Nackter

I can not reproduce your issue with our data.

I am wondering what are your data and how did you plot with them.

Would you mind sending us your project file so that we can further identify the problem? You can send it to

OriginLab Technical Service.

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