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 Get Y (at X) of base curve based on derivative cdn

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tejasrnbr Posted - 11/25/2016 : 06:08:20 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 2016 b9.3.226
Operating System: Windows 10 64 bit

I have a curve with about 1200 data points.
I have generated the first and second derivative curves for the data.

I want to find the Y values from the base curve, when certain conditions are met in 1st and 2nd derivative.

For example, In 1st derivative becomes 0, what is the X value and what is the Y- value in base curve. Also, if second derivative has 4 inflection points, then what are the corresponding Y values from the base curve.

Can anybody suggest a method or solution for this?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JacquelineHe Posted - 11/29/2016 : 05:56:43 AM

1. If you do not need to update source data and recalculate the result, you can click on the green lock (on the header of the column) and choose "Recalculate Mode: None". And add a Data Filter on the result column. Then you can custom the fiter condition to find the datasets.

Please refer to this help page:

2. If you want to keep recalculation mode on your result column, you can try to use Worksheet Query tool to extract the dataset matching your condition to a new sheet or book. (Choose menu: Worksheet: Worksheet Query)

Please refer to this help page:

tejasrnbr Posted - 11/29/2016 : 01:26:49 AM
Hello Jacqueline,

Thanks for your reply to my query. Yes, I did use the specific feature that you mention. In this manner, I have generated the derivative curves and have the new columns.

Now, what I want is:

To find out X, Y values of base curve when the X, Y values in derivative curve meet certain criteria. For example, I want to know X, Y values of base curve, when the Y in derivative curve is 0, and when Y in derivative curve turns from positive to negative.

That is what I want to do. Is there some code or command to get this instead of manually reviewing the data?

Originally posted by JacquelineHe


Do you use "Analysis: Mathematics: Differentiate" tool to get the derivative?

If so, by default the output value will create in a new column next to the source dataset. (Output =(<input>,<new>) )
You can find both source and the result dataset in the same worksheet.
So you will not need to find the source data in other method.

If I misunderstand your question, could you please tell us more detail about your quetison?


JacquelineHe Posted - 11/28/2016 : 06:23:17 AM

Do you use "Analysis: Mathematics: Differentiate" tool to get the derivative?

If so, by default the output value will create in a new column next to the source dataset. (Output =(<input>,<new>) )
You can find both source and the result dataset in the same worksheet.
So you will not need to find the source data in other method.

If I misunderstand your question, could you please tell us more detail about your quetison?


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