T O P I C R E V I E W |
hearme |
Posted - 11/19/2003 : 09:21:50 AM Some XRD data are in this form: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o ... ...
In order to redraw the XRD pattern in origin, I need to change these data to the following format,
a b c d e f g h i j ... Could you please tell me how to do this in origin? Thanks
3 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Mike Buess |
Posted - 11/19/2003 : 11:25:37 AM In case you are not using Origin 7 or 7.5 this can also be done in LabTalk. Start with the original ncols by nrows worksheet active...
mat.wksName$=%H; ncols=wks.ncols; // find number of columns get col(1) -e nrows; // find number of rows win -t M; // open matrix window mat.matName$=%H; matrix -ps D ncols nrows; // set columns and rows mat.w2m(); // convert wks to matrix matrix -ps D ncols*nrows 1; // change matrix to single row matrix -t; // transpose (change to single column) win -t D; // open new wks mat.wksName$=%H; mat.m2w(); // convert matrix to wks %M=mat.matName$; win -c %M; // close matrix window del %M; // delete its data separately
Mike Buess Origin WebRing Member
Edited by - Mike Buess on 11/19/2003 11:27:53 AM |
Laurie |
Posted - 11/19/2003 : 11:04:25 AM You can also write an Origin C function to do this, such as the following:
void hearme_transpose(string strWksName, string strWksName2) { Worksheet wks(strWksName); Dataset ds(strWksName,0); Dataset ds2(strWksName2,0); ds2.SetSize(ds.GetSize()*wks.GetNumCols()); int count=0; for(int i=0;i<ds.GetSize();i++) { for(int j=0;j<wks.GetNumCols();j++) { ds2[count]=wks.Cell(i,j); count++; } } }
The function takes 2 arguments: the name of the worksheet that contains the data and the name of the worksheet that will hold the new column of data.
If you need help on how to use this function from the Script Window, once compiled, let me know. You can email me at tech@originlab.com.
OriginLab Technical Support |
Mike Buess |
Posted - 11/19/2003 : 10:44:34 AM Here is an easy method. It assumes your worksheet contains ncols columns and nrows rows.
1> With worksheet showing select Edit->Convert to Matrix->Direct 2> Select Matrix->Set Dimensions 3> Set Columns=ncols*nrows and Rows=1. OK. (Creates single row) 4> Matrix->Transpose (Converts to single column) 5> Edit->Convert to Worksheet->Direct
Mike Buess Origin WebRing Member
Edited by - Mike Buess on 11/19/2003 10:44:48 AM |