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 Transpose results in columns during Batch Process?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
am17 Posted - 08/01/2017 : 07:39:18 AM

I am following this batch processing tutorial from the OriginLab website.

However I would like to ask how I can output the dataset identifier in columns instead of rows like this picture attached here (basically I want to transpose the output results data during batch processing of multiple files):

Any ideas?

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
am17 Posted - 08/01/2017 : 1:23:24 PM
Thank you James for the prompt response. I had to update my Origin software to the latest 2017 version before I could finally get it to work.
YimingChen Posted - 08/01/2017 : 10:51:46 AM

Basically you need to create a new Fit result sheet in your analysis template with the fitting result row transposed. Then during batch processing, you need to append the fitting results by columns. Here are the steps:
1. Open the analysis template in the tutorial, import data file "sensor1.dat" to generate result.
2. Add a worksheet "Fit Results2" at the end.
3. Go to Fit Resultssheet, copy the file name "Sensor01.dat", Go to the first column of "Fit Results2" sheet, and paste link to the column header long name.
4. Go to "Fit Results" sheet, copy first row except File name, and Paste Transpose to the first column of "Fit Results2".
5. Save analysis template.

6. In the Batch processing dialog, select the newly created template.
7. Set Result sheet to Fit Results2.
8. Set Append by to Columns.
Click OK to generate the result.

Hope this answers your question.


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