T O P I C R E V I E W |
gringoireli |
Posted - 10/13/2017 : 05:26:27 AM Dear Origin, I am new to Labtalk of the originpro. I have a difficulty in writing a script to generate contour plots automatically. I can import my data through the x-function impASC. The data contains 5 columns and I would like to plot contour of column E (as Z) against a grid made of two columns A(as x) and C(as y). My X and Y is a structural grid and I can plot the contour from the origin GUI by selecting the columns. But now in the labtalk I don’t know how to use the plotvm. Following what has been written in the tutorial I have tried several options but still not be able to manage it. Is there any hints or examples which could help me ? Many thanks, Tch |
5 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
gringoireli |
Posted - 10/16/2017 : 07:52:35 AM Thanks a lot Nikolay for the information. I solved the problem with Yiming's solution. But your hint is still very useful to me.
quote: Originally posted by nick_n
Hi, Sorry for confusing. Please, find magic button on screenshot.

Try to put that in your script.
YimingChen |
Posted - 10/13/2017 : 10:19:25 AM Hi,
If you are making contour plot from XYZ columns, please use the following Labtalk script:
plotxyz iz:=col(C) plot:=243 ogl:=<new template:=contours>;
where the template can be changed to your own customized one. Thank you.
Yiming |
nick_n |
Posted - 10/13/2017 : 10:12:33 AM Hi, Sorry for confusing. Please, find magic button on screenshot.

Try to put that in your script.
Nikolay |
gringoireli |
Posted - 10/13/2017 : 08:22:44 AM Hi Nikolay, Many thanks for your suggestion. What you have mentioned will be very useful to me. Nevertheless I am not able to find this magic triangle button. Is it possible to be more precised or a print screen will be of great help to me. I have tried to locate this button from origin help but it is a dead end. Many thanks, Tch
quote: Originally posted by nick_n
When you plot contour from GUI, in that menu click on triangle button in Dialog theme row and select "Generate script". In Script window you'll see usage of your function. Tham may help. Best,
nick_n |
Posted - 10/13/2017 : 06:19:46 AM Hi,
When you plot contour from GUI, in that menu click on triangle button in Dialog theme row and select "Generate script". In Script window you'll see usage of your function. Tham may help. Best,
Nikolay |