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 How do I add 2 lines of best fit to a graph?

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r1472390 Posted - 10/31/2017 : 2:02:48 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 12
Operating System: Windows


I hope this is the right place to post this but I need some help.

I have an 1 X and 1 Y column and the graph has data points that are all over the place.

I need to show two lines of best fit. Is this possible?

Also, how do I add a grid to the graph?

Here's an image of what I'm trying to achieve:

Bigger version:

While I'm here, how do I add the ΔT line and change the bit on the X axis to t1, tm, t2.

Sorry for a lot of questions and any help would be appreciated.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
arstern Posted - 10/31/2017 : 5:39:23 PM

To add grids:

Double click the axis to open the axis dialog box. Select the Grids Tab. You have the option to add grids to the major and minor axis.

In this tutorial it shows adding grid lines:

r1472390 Posted - 10/31/2017 : 3:49:35 PM
Originally posted by arstern...

Hi, thank you so much for that. I appreciate the detailed instructions and images.

Do you happen to know how I might add a square grid to the graph to that the points may be read to the nearest ± 0.05 °C (the accuracy of my thermometer used to conduct the experiment)?

Sorry for the basic questions. Undergrad here been left to figure out this software on my own.

arstern Posted - 10/31/2017 : 3:41:57 PM

You can select a range from your data to fit the first group and then repeat for the second group. Therefore creating two fitted lines.
To select a range from your data, there are two ways to go about:
1. Open the linear fit dialog box -> In the Input tab under intput data select the select range to select your range of data you want to fit in your worksheet:

2. You can as well use the Selection on Active Tool. Select the icon in the toolbar shown in graph below, then select the region of interest on your graph. The vertical red lines specifies the region where analysis tools, such as fitting, will be applied.

After select region of interest -> Select Analysis -> Fitting -> Linear Fit. This will only create a linear fit between the two red vertical markers. Next, select the Selection on Active tool icon again and select the second region of interest. Select Analysis -> Fitting -> Linear Fit. This time the linear fit analysis will be applied to the second region of interest.

3. To edit the axis:
- Double click the axis to open the axis dialog box.
- Select Special ticks tab
- Add additional tick labels
- Note: I input 6 in the At Axis Value and then unselected Show, therefore removing this tick label.


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