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 How to draw bit-error-rate (BER) plot ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jinserk Posted - 05/31/2005 : 11:39:00 PM
Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin): 7.5 SR5
Operating System: Win XP

I want to draw the bit-error-rate (BER) plot as the above one, double log scale in y-axis.
As you know, the above plot shows unequal space between the order increment, so we can see that it's different from the plain log scale graph.

I have tried to do that, using LabTalk or Origin C, but failed.
Please make such template or one of the scale to draw that plot, because this plot is very important and common in the field of data transmission world.

Using that scale, the plot can be fitted to a linear straight line. If we have some trouble in the transmission system, the BER plot will get away from the straight line, so we can easily know whether the system has a problem or not.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bcolas Posted - 09/19/2016 : 6:36:50 PM

I am trying to create the same BER Plot using Origin. I am using the current ORIGINPro 2016 version.
I am trying to see if this was resolved or implemented in the version I am using? Any help would do.

Many thanks.

||BC|| Posted - 02/15/2011 : 5:09:18 PM
Originally posted by cpyang

I expect that this plot will be available ASAP. :)

Yes, we will add this double-log scale to Origin 8.0


OK, I see that Origin now has the ERFC function. However, I don't see any documentation or examples of how to create this kind of plot. Does this exist anywhere? Thanks.
cpyang Posted - 06/07/2005 : 01:43:59 AM
I expect that this plot will be available ASAP. :)

Yes, we will add this double-log scale to Origin 8.0


jinserk Posted - 06/06/2005 : 11:27:38 PM
This plot can be achieved using the following equation:

BER = 0.5 * erfc ( x / sqrt(2) )

if BER = 10^-9, x is about 6. At first we should obtain 'x' according to each BER. If we want to get the double-log plot with appropriate y-scale of BER, we have to plot using 'x' in reversed y-axis. then we can put the y-tick mark and label as the BER value at each corresponding 'x' value.

I expect that this plot will be available ASAP. :)

Edited by - jinserk on 06/07/2005 01:26:58 AM

Edited by - jinserk on 06/07/2005 01:53:16 AM
mhargis Posted - 06/06/2005 : 12:01:54 PM
The "straight line" plot comes from fitting the data to the inverse complementary error function, which is not a built in function for my Origin 6.1 (yes, I know, company won't upgrade)
easwar Posted - 06/01/2005 : 11:11:46 AM

Thanks for the suggestion. I have put in a feature request item for such a plot.

I see that in MATLAB they make the plot with evenly spaced major axis tick marks for the log scale, but plot the theoretical curve not as a straight line, such as in the figure below.

So if the expression/equation for the theoretical curve is known, one could use a standard semi-log scale and show the theoretical curve as a curved line to see if the data deviates from it?


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