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 Have you ever met with a software with more bugs?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ESD Posted - 06/10/2005 : 09:12:45 AM

today, when for the 985724864-th time I had a problem with Origin, I decided to write to the producer. Unfortunately, there is no e-mail contact on the web page (at least I haven't found it), so I write here. Idea behind Origin as a software for processing data is wonderful, but the way it is realised is terrible: plenty of bugs, many illogical things - that is reality. If one wants to show somebody how can operating system of a computer crash, the easiest way is to run Origin. Unfortunatelly, this is not improved with new versions, but it gets even worse. I worked with 4.0 - 6.1, and the oldest version is definitely the most stable one. I am very sorry for these words, but you must understand me: I have spent a lot of time repeating what I had already done because "...this software [Origin] performed an illegal operation and will be terminated". I am already at the stage, that I save my workplace every minute, and search for a new software option.

Bye, Matej - an angry user
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Barb Tobias Posted - 06/10/2005 : 10:07:33 AM

Dear Matej,

Please do contact OriginLab Technical Support. The email address is Alternatively you can contact us from the general "contact us" form here:

Please provide us with your OS version, your Origin version and build number (Help:About Origin) and information on how to reproduce the problems you see.

Barb Tobias, OriginLab Technical Support

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