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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Geralt_of_Rivia Posted - 10/28/2020 : 12:41:12 PM
Hey there,

I'm facing some problems regarding the 3D-Interpolation:

I have some pairs of values, defined by X, Y and Z, for example (5, 1500, 250) and (5, 6000, 1420). X means the inlet temperature, y the heat demand and z the electricity consumption, but this is not important. Y and Z are linear connected for each X.

So as you see, I have two values for the same X. Overall, I have about 30 of such pairs for different X.

What I try to do is a 3D-interpolation between the two fixpoints for each X so that I would receive a 3D-Plot for the whole thing. But I'm not able to do so, tried everything I found. My goal is to get a function out of this plot giving me Z(X,Y).

If anybody has a hint, please share it with me. I think there is an easy solution, but I'm not getting it at the moment.

With best regards


3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
YimingChen Posted - 10/30/2020 : 08:59:04 AM

You can simply convert XYZ data into matrix data. Use menu Worksheet->Convert to Matrix->XYZ Gridding..., in the dialog, expand Gridding Settings node, choose Random (Thin Plate Spline) as method. See the result below:

Geralt_of_Rivia Posted - 10/29/2020 : 04:06:41 AM

thanks for your adviece. I have tried this method before but I'm not getting any results that would make sense to me.

I interpolate the pairs (X,Y;Z) and I want to get the area that is described between the bottom and the top line of values. I made a picture so maybe it gets clearer. I have no Idea how to interpolate and I'm still thinking that there is an easy solution?

Best regards and thank you for your help.
YimingChen Posted - 10/28/2020 : 1:46:33 PM

If you would like to find Z(X,Y), use menu Analysis->Mathematics->Interpolate Z from XY.


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