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 Append worksheet

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dominik.mierzwa Posted - 03/16/2021 : 11:19:19 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2021
Operating System: W10 PRO


I have two questions about the Append worksheet function.

1. Is it possible to preserve the Long name of the columns after recalculation of the Append workbook function? Blocking calculation or Manual recalculation is not a solution because I'd like to have the possibility of refreshing the data.

2. I usually use Data Connector and set it to change the name of Workbook name with the filename. Next, I use the append worksheet function to collect some of my data in one worksheet. Unfortunately, Append Worksheet uses a Short name as Dataset Identifier, whereas the connector places the filename as the Long name of the workbook. So I got Book1, Book2, and so on as a data identifier. Is it possible to force the connector to place the filename as a short name or an Append worksheet to use the long name of workbook?

Kind regards,
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dominik.mierzwa Posted - 03/16/2021 : 1:27:13 PM
Originally posted by easwar

Hi Dominik,

Thank you for the clear user story.
We have added this to be fixed in our upcoming version 2021b, scheduled for release in late April
Internal JIRA ID: ORG-23370


Dear Easwar,
thank you for the information. I will overcome the problem with the use of a copy of the worksheet with preferred Long names for columns and data pasted as a link.

Kind regards,
easwar Posted - 03/16/2021 : 12:47:26 PM
Hi Dominik,

Thank you for the clear user story.
We have added this to be fixed in our upcoming version 2021b, scheduled for release in late April
Internal JIRA ID: ORG-23370

dominik.mierzwa Posted - 03/16/2021 : 12:13:59 PM
Originally posted by Chris D
Regarding #2- That is not possible either. Perhaps you can set the file name to the worksheet name (not sure which DC you use) and use Sheet Name for the Dataset Identifier

I used DC to xlsm files. Unfortunately, as I said, DC sent names to a Long name, Append worksheet use Short name of worksheet. Moreover, when I manually change short name, Origin adds letter A before name, why?

Kind regards,
Chris D Posted - 03/16/2021 : 11:54:44 AM

Regarding #1- That currently is not possible.
Regarding #2- That is not possible either. Perhaps you can set the file name to the worksheet name (not sure which DC you use) and use Sheet Name for the Dataset Identifier.

Sorry for the bad news.

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

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