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 Cell reference

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dominik.mierzwa Posted - 03/18/2021 : 1:31:10 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2021
Operating System: W10 Pro


I usually use multiple functions during regression analysis, and finally, I create the report sheet for function parameters. It is very time-consuming to copy-paste (as link) values for each parameter, especially that some function has a particular parameter and another has not. So, is it possible to use the "cell://" reference to find a particular parameter (stored as a Long name of the column) in a particular report sheet (stored in a cell of col A), as in fig. below?

Kind regards,
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dominik.mierzwa Posted - 04/03/2021 : 08:04:37 AM
Originally posted by snowli

Does this sound good?

Best, Snow

Looks awesome! I really appreciate it!

Kind regards,
snowli Posted - 04/02/2021 : 4:23:38 PM
Hi Dominik,

We have added a function ReportCell(string sBook$, string sSheet$, string sTable$, string sRowRef$, string sColRef$) in our Origin 2021b beta9 so u can refer to a cell in tables in result sheet.

From the status bar, user can know the sColRef and sRowRef of the cell.
If bookname is skipped, it will refer to same book.

Does this sound good?

Best, Snow
dominik.mierzwa Posted - 03/23/2021 : 3:31:33 PM
Originally posted by cpyang

Sorry, I don't mean you define this function.

We will add this function in the upcoming 2021b scheduled for end of April. We can get you a beta later this week, if you ware interested in trying it out.


I understand. Thanks for explanation.

Kind regards,
cpyang Posted - 03/23/2021 : 3:27:32 PM
Sorry, I don't mean you define this function.

We will add this function in the upcoming 2021b scheduled for end of April. We can get you a beta later this week, if you ware interested in trying it out.

dominik.mierzwa Posted - 03/23/2021 : 2:29:21 PM
Originally posted by cpyang

I am thinking a function like

ReportCell(bookName, sheetName, TableName, rowRef, colRef)

so for your case, where you have result sheet name in col(A), then col(C) formula will be

ReportCell("", A, "Summary", "R1", "a_Value")

or from LT

col(C) = ReportCell("", col(A), "Summary", "R1", "a_Value")


I have never defined a new function in Origin. Should I proceed with this tutorial:

Kind regards,
cpyang Posted - 03/23/2021 : 12:17:27 PM
I am thinking a function like

ReportCell(sheet, TableName, rowRef, colRef)

so for your case, where you have result sheet name in col(A), then col(C) formula will be

ReportCell(A, "Summary", "R1", "a_Value")

or from LT

col(C) = ReportCell(col(A), "Summary", "R1", "a_Value")

dominik.mierzwa Posted - 03/23/2021 : 11:27:44 AM
Originally posted by YimingChen

You may think of creating a flat sheet with parameter values and refer to that sheet cells with cell formula:


Yes, it is a solution but the number of additional temporary sheets grows significantly. I recently used temporary sheets to rename the column's long name (see: ), so I would like to avoid such a solution.

Originally posted by cpyang

How about we add column formula? It will take input:
1. book name, or report sheet range, like [book1]fitNL!
2. report table name, like "Summary"
3. Parameter name of index

so you don't need to use cell link?


I think that it could work, but how this formula should look like?

Kind regards,
cpyang Posted - 03/23/2021 : 10:29:45 AM
How about we add column formula? It will take input:
1. book name, or report sheet range, like [book1]fitNL!
2. report table name, like "Summary"
3. Parameter name of index

so you don't need to use cell link?

YimingChen Posted - 03/18/2021 : 5:27:23 PM
You may think of creating a flat sheet with parameter values and refer to that sheet cells with cell formula:

Chris D Posted - 03/18/2021 : 3:06:54 PM

If you mean to dynamically build a cell link based on values in other cells, I just tried and it doesn't seem possible.

Perhaps if someone else finds a way, they can chime in.

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

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