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 two-way repeated measures anova

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
du06 Posted - 04/23/2021 : 12:52:38 PM
Hello Origin Users,

Have anyone encounter that two-way repeated measures anova gives wrong mean values?

I am using two-way repeated measures anova to analyze my data. In some sets of data, the two-way repeated measures anova always gives mean values different from the mean values that I calculated in excel. I tried using t-test or one-way anova to test the same data, these two always give me the same mean values with excel. I tried multiple times, the results are the same. The data is normally distributed. The version is OriginPro 8. Can anyone help to explain why this happens?
Thank you!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Chris D Posted - 04/23/2021 : 1:05:09 PM

Origin 8 is extremely old (> 10 years) and we don't actually support it any more.

I suggest you download the trail version of Origin 2021 and see if you don't get more agreeable results.

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

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