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 Batch Plotting: serial number in graph name

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AKazak Posted - 03/03/2022 : 2:16:38 PM
OriginPro 2022 (64-bit) SR1
Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64


I use Batch Plotting extensively.
However, graph short names are quite strict in terms of requirements.
Is there a field corresponding to the batch plot serial number, to set graph short name to G01, G02, etc.?

Thank you.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AKazak Posted - 11/15/2023 : 08:45:16 AM
The "G01" feature works great for graph templates naming.
Well done!

AKazak Posted - 11/17/2022 : 9:56:30 PM
Originally posted by ChaoC

Hi Andrey,

You can!


Dear Chao,

Great feature!

ChaoC Posted - 11/17/2022 : 2:52:25 PM
Hi Andrey,

You can!

AKazak Posted - 11/14/2022 : 8:46:35 PM
Originally posted by AmandaLu


Origin 2023 is available!

Following issue you reported in this post has been improved in Origin 2023:
Better Support for Batch Plotting Preset Name (ORG-24990).

Right now you can set preset graph short name as “G01”, then the batch graphs will be G02, G03…G10…

Please try it in Origin 2023.

We are looking for your feedback! Any suggestion will be appreciated!

OriginLab Technical Service

Dear Amanda,

Great news!

Can I use a different prefix, for example "Fig01" to generate "Fig01", "Fig02", etc.?

AmandaLu Posted - 11/13/2022 : 9:17:31 PM

Origin 2023 is available!

Following issue you reported in this post has been improved in Origin 2023:
Better Support for Batch Plotting Preset Name (ORG-24990).

Right now you can set preset graph short name as “G01”, then the batch graphs will be G02, G03…G10…

Please try it in Origin 2023.

We are looking for your feedback! Any suggestion will be appreciated!

OriginLab Technical Service
AKazak Posted - 03/18/2022 : 3:29:32 PM
Dear Chao,

Thank you for sharing the sample project.
I will certainly use the suggested way for batch naming of graph windows.

ChaoC Posted - 03/04/2022 : 12:31:50 PM
Hi Andrey,

How you want to do this is up to your preference.
I will show you one example.
I created a new workbook to generate the short names using some python code.

I created a new user parameter in the data sheet named "Serial"
I copied my short name list and paste transposed into this user parameter row.

Then in the batch plotting dialog for the Graph Short Name I used %(1Y, @LD7) which will grab the "Serial" value associated with Y data column.

Hope that helps!

I have re-attached an example from one of your projects you provided.

AKazak Posted - 03/03/2022 : 9:31:56 PM
Originally posted by ChaoC

Hi Andrey,

You can set the short name to G0 and get the format you are looking for. However, I assume you want your tenth plot to be G10 and not G010-could you let me know if this is the case?.
If this is the case I don't think this kind of formatting is currently possible because there is no way to change the increment from 1 to 01.


Dear Chao,

Yes, I want to use the following syntax for a graph name:

where # - is a placeholder with s --- start value, and f --- format string.

Originally posted by ChaoC

Hi Andrey,

You can work around this by creating a separate list and referencing them for the shortnames.


Can you share an example of this approach, please?

ChaoC Posted - 03/03/2022 : 4:42:45 PM
Hi Andrey,

You can set the short name to G0 and get the format you are looking for. However, I assume you want your tenth plot to be G10 and not G010-could you let me know if this is the case?.
If this is the case I don't think this kind of formatting is currently possible because there is no way to change the increment from 1 to 01.
You can work around this by creating a separate list and referencing them for the shortnames.


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