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 find maximum in y columns & their x values

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
j1623 Posted - 04/10/2022 : 02:55:16 AM

I have multiple y columns and a x column. How to find maximum in every y columns and their corresponding x values? I want to plot a graph to show the distribution of the maximums. I tried "statistics on columns" to get the maximums but I don't know how to get the corresponding x values. I tried labtalk scripts but I'm not good at it.

Col(A) is the x column and start from Col(B) are y columns:

Thank you very much.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
yuki_wu Posted - 04/11/2022 : 06:11:14 AM

Cell formula can also help in this case.
You can add a new column and in the first row of the new column, type the function below:


Then put the mouse at the bottom right of this cell (the mouse will change to a black cross) and drag it to the end of the column.

Please see this section of the page I mentioned above:

Regards, Yuki
j1623 Posted - 04/11/2022 : 04:58:06 AM
Originally posted by yuki_wu


You can use cell formula. For example, if you need to find out the x value of the maximum value in column B, you can type the function below inside an empty cell:


To learn more about cell formula, please see:

Regards, Yuki

Thank you Yuki.

Sorry I have a question on table(). Can it use to search value across columns?

Column A is x values and columns B-CX are Y values. In column CX and CY I have the column name(B-CX) and the index of their corresponding target vale.

How can I get the corresponding Y value in a column? For example, row 1: B[76], row 2: C[66], row 3: D[76], row 4: E[63], ...

Thank you very much!
yuki_wu Posted - 04/11/2022 : 02:11:33 AM

You can use cell formula. For example, if you need to find out the x value of the maximum value in column B, you can type the function below inside an empty cell:


To learn more about cell formula, please see:

Regards, Yuki

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