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 Stack existing plots?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BatteryCycler Posted - 08/24/2023 : 1:44:56 PM
OriginPro 2023b (64-bit)

Operating System: Windows 11 Home

Hello all,

I have four plots that I would like to convert to a single stack plot. Each plot contains 5-20 lines on it, that all share the same x and y axis but have different values for each. Each plot has a separate workbook and data file.

1. Is there a way for me to very easily combine these four plots into a stack plot?

2. If not, how do I go about making a stack plot where each plot has multiple lines in it?

Thank you,

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChaoC Posted - 08/25/2023 : 12:02:32 PM

Could you check out this video?

You could also individually save the graphs as oggu files and open them in the same project file.

BatteryCycler Posted - 08/24/2023 : 4:11:19 PM
Originally posted by YimingChen

You can merge the four graphs into one graph.
1. Select menu Graph:Merge Graph Windows.
2. Specify the four graphs as the input. Set Number of Rows to 1, Number of Columns to 1. And click OK.
3. Now you have a single graph with four overlapping layers. You then need to align the X,Y scales of the 4 layers. Select menu Format:Layer... to open Plot Details dialog.
4. Select Layer2 on the left, Then choose Link Axes Scales tab. Set Link to to Layer1 and set X Axis Link to Straignt(1 to 1).
5. Repeat step 4 for Layer2 and Layer3.


Hi, thank you for the response. How do I get the 4 graphs from separate files into one file that I could do this with?

Thank you

Edit: I should be clear, I'm using origin for producing some of the data, namely the differentiating feature. So it's not as simple as just importing 4 .csv into one file. I need to combine origin workbooks and their plots.
YimingChen Posted - 08/24/2023 : 3:52:59 PM
You can merge the four graphs into one graph.
1. Select menu Graph:Merge Graph Windows.
2. Specify the four graphs as the input. Set Number of Rows to 1, Number of Columns to 1. And click OK.
3. Now you have a single graph with four overlapping layers. You then need to align the X,Y scales of the 4 layers. Select menu Format:Layer... to open Plot Details dialog.
4. Select Layer2 on the left, Then choose Link Axes Scales tab. Set Link to to Layer1 and set X Axis Link to Straignt(1 to 1).
5. Repeat step 4 for Layer2 and Layer3.


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