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 Labeling in "Grouped Column Scatter" -

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Moerser Posted - 09/19/2023 : 10:34:32 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 2023b (64-bit)

Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit

Hello everybody,

I want to label my "Categorical: Grouped Column Scatter - Indexed Data"-plot and I don't know how to do it! But first things first.

My data looks like that:

whereas column B is my data and column M are the groups. Then I let draw a graph via "Categorical: Grouped Column Scatter - Indexed Data".
In the end I get a graph like this:

Now I want to label every data point within the graph e. g. with the column N in the first image.
Is there any possiblity that I can label the data points like this? If so, how? Or do I need to use another graph type? Keep in mind, that I really want to display my data as in the second image (data points must be categorized and the data points within one category must be on one line [no offset in x-direction]).

Can someone help me please?

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snowli Posted - 09/20/2023 : 09:05:45 AM
You are very welcome.

Origin is smarter than you thought:-)

BTW, unsorted means follow the data appearance order so P(-11)-P(-10) is treated as 1, P(-10)-P(-9) is 2, ....

You can double click on "Unsorted" on Categories row to customize categories. E.g. Ascending, Descending, User-defined order. U can also remove or add some extra categories even though no such data. The plot will update.

So you don't need to manually order your data in columns.

Thanks, Snow
Moerser Posted - 09/20/2023 : 03:16:39 AM
Hey Snow,

thank you so much! This is such an clever and easy way to solve my problem! Didn't know I can set columns as categorial, now I'm a little bit smarter, thanks! :)
snowli Posted - 09/19/2023 : 12:02:03 PM
When using "Categorical: Grouped Column Scatter - Indexed Data"-plot, it transformed data into Output Data sheet and the graph is actually based on the data on that sheet. Since it doesn't have column N there, it's impossible to label with N.

Instead, here is what you can do: (I used column C as grouping info instead of M)
Set column C as Categorial and X column
highlight column B and C and plot regular scatter graph. --> Origin will plot B(Y) against C(X).
Then click data point in graph to turn on data labeling with mini toolbar button A.

And click any label and change the label to be from column D.

Thanks, Snow

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