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 Zigzag appearance of the lines

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AntoineMerc Posted - 10/12/2023 : 09:50:29 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2021 (64-bit)
Operating System: Windows 7 Professional SP1

I would like to share my concern about creating graphs in Origin. I set the graph size and font size myself because I want consistency across all the graphs in my article. However, the problem arises when the graph size is small, as is typically expected in an article; the lines appear jagged. Enabling anti-aliasing and exporting in vector format doesn't resolve the issue. For comparison, I created the same graphs in another competing software, and the result is unequivocal – the lines are extremely smooth. The customization and speed of execution in Origin are unparalleled, but the final output quality is debatable. If the developers of Origin could improve this aspect, I believe everyone would be satisfied.
Thank you.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AntoineMerc Posted - 10/12/2023 : 11:12:58 AM
Thanks for your tip, it improves the rendering.
I'm still surprised that the rendering of a vector file changes with the resolution.
snowli Posted - 10/12/2023 : 10:32:30 AM

See this FAQ

Please try set resolution to a higher value e.g. 1200 when exporting graph.

Thanks, Snow

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