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 Import SPSS/.sav files

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dennis.barth Posted - 11/17/2023 : 10:05:15 AM
Hello everyone, I am trying to import data from a .sav (SPSS) file into Origin. I have found several articles stating to just add .sav files to the data import menu in Origin via "Data -> Import from File -> Add/Remove File Types". However, it doesn't list SPSS files there. Am I missing something? I would be very thankful if someone could help me there.

(One of the articles I mentioned:

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 2022b (64-bit) Version
Operating System: Windows 10
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
snowli Posted - 11/17/2023 : 10:31:04 AM

During installation, we don't have SPSS Import checked by default.
So user needs to check it during import to include it in Origin.

Please run the Repair or Uninstall Origin. .
This time choose Modify option.
When it prompts to change Serial number, choose No.
Then on the next page, check SPSS Import.

Then in Origin, u will need to choose Data: Import from File: Add/Remove Files Types.
Move it from left to right to make it show under the Import from Files submenu.

I updated the link above to include such info.

Thanks, Snow

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