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 Date and Hour in X-axis

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
a01317910 Posted - 01/31/2024 : 3:10:34 PM
Hello! I want to plot something like the image, with the date and the hour for every day. Can you help me?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
snowli Posted - 02/01/2024 : 1:57:35 PM
Please see this better opju my colleague made.

She used date X directly.
Set the major scale increment to 70 minutes,
turn on table
specify how the display format for bottom1 and 2 display format based on date X.

Best, Snow
a01317910 Posted - 01/31/2024 : 7:30:38 PM
Thank you so much. It was super helpfull!!

snowli Posted - 01/31/2024 : 4:53:07 PM

We will support this better in the coming 2024b so the same date info. can show in a new row.

Instead of using the blog, please see the attached opj.
1. I set Date column A as disregard so not using it as X info.
2. Add B and C column with extracted Day and Time info. as text.
3. Plot the date so it's plotted against row numbers.
4. In axis dialog, on Scale tab, set scale to be from 1 to 63 and major tick increment by 1.
5. Go to Tick labels tab, go to Table sub tab and enable it. Number of Rows to 2.
6. Set Table Layout -> Merge Labes to be Within Subgroups/Subsets.
7. With Bottom 1 selected on the left, go to Display tab and set Type: Text from Dataset and Dateset Name as column B.
8. With Bottom 2 selected on the left, go to Display tab and set Type: Text from Dataset and Dateset Name as column C.
9. Go to Format tab of Bottom2 and set Rotate to 90.
10. On tab tabs of Bottom 1 and 2, u can also uncheck those borders.

Thanks, Snow
snowli Posted - 01/31/2024 : 3:40:06 PM
Please see if this blog helps.

Thanks, Snow

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