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 Round Robin in Gage Study

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ssavarmand Posted - 08/22/2024 : 09:53:48 AM

I was wondering if Gage Study module (or any other app) can create a Worksheet for Round Robin.

In a regular Gage Study there are "Number of Parts", "Number of Operators" and "Number of Replicates", so, there are 3 factors.

However, in a Round Robin, in addition to the above, there is a different "Location" or a different "Instrument" involved. Therefore, there needs to be a 4th factor, wich would be location or instrument, etc.

So, is there a way to create that worksheet and if so, is there an app to analyze that?

Thank you,
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ssavarmand Posted - 08/28/2024 : 11:06:14 AM
Thank you very much, James. Got it.
YimingChen Posted - 08/28/2024 : 08:45:49 AM
Here is the tutorial webpage of using the app. You can right-click on the app icon and choose Show Sample Folder to get the sample data for the tutorial.

The Create Gage Worksheet doesn't support extra factors. You will have to input them manually. We will look into improving this.

Thank you
ssavarmand Posted - 08/23/2024 : 12:11:21 PM
Hi James,
Thank you very much for your prompt response. I see the expanded icon, got it thanks. Is there an example with the Extended version?

Also, the Create Gage Worksheet does not create columns for additional Factors. Should I create the additional columns myself? Of course, it is doable and no big deal, just wanted to make sure if there is any app for it or not.

Thanks again. I am very glad that OriginLab has these cababilities.
YimingChen Posted - 08/23/2024 : 11:56:51 AM
Hi Saeid,

Can you try the Gage RR Study - Expanded which allows entering extra factors? Thank you.


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