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 Error bar in a histogram (!!!no X values)

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mj44 Posted - 09/20/2024 : 11:31:16 AM
Hello everyone,
I use version Origin 2023 (64-bit) (Academic) and I am a pretty new user of Origin. I try to add error bars to a statistics histogram (from a dataset of values like: 1,1,1,1,2.5,2.5,3.3,3.3,3.3,6...), but I don't find how. I asked colleagues, ChatGPT, searched in tutorials on Internet, but I don't find any possibility in such a histogram.
I know it is easier when X values and Y values are set, but in my case, I insist on it, There is no X values, and the histogram allows to show the relative frequency of values appearing in my dataset. I don't want to create a new table with X: the value and Y: the frequency, it will be time-consuming.
I hope that my question is clear and that someone will give me advice and solution for it.
Thank you in advance ! Have a nice week-end

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mj44 Posted - 09/23/2024 : 03:40:27 AM
Dear Snow,
your advice helped me, thank you a lot ! I did "discrete frequency" on my data and then it was easier because now there are X and Y axis.
Have a good day,

NicholasSupport Posted - 09/20/2024 : 4:22:19 PM
snowli Posted - 09/20/2024 : 12:37:25 PM
Could you share your data so we can understand it better.

It's not clear to mean if you are plotting counts as bars or relative frequency as bars. And what error bar info. you are choosing.

An workaround is do statistics: descriptive statistics: discrete frequency and check e.g. Counts to create counts for unique number in your data.
Then don't have anything highlighted, click Column Bar to plot. Specify In Plot Setup dialog, set X as <autoX> and set Y as the Counts so the Y data is plotted against row numbers.
Double click the x axis tick labels and set the Type to be Text from Dataset and specify the Dataset Name as column A so the corresponding discrete x values will show as tick labels.
Then in worksheet, add a column to the right of the Counts to put error values. Set the column as YError bar.
Drag it into Origin.

Thanks, Snow
mj44 Posted - 09/20/2024 : 11:56:32 AM
I tried by doing Insert->Erro bars... And that is what I got (in the image below)
How can I change and adapt the display of the error bars ?


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