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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LMA19 Posted - 09/25/2024 : 10:50:49 AM

I want to plot several graphs together using layer contents. I designated my column F as X, but when plotting the program uses <autoX> which ends up being column B. I must remove this <autoX> and make the program use the correct column.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LMA19 Posted - 09/25/2024 : 1:43:35 PM
Thank you very much, I managed to fix it, and now it works.
snowli Posted - 09/25/2024 : 11:12:21 AM
maybe the quickest way is right click plot and choose Change X to change X to F.

Layer Contents dialog only lists Y columns to manipulate. And it will use matching X for Y columns. E.g. u may see Y1, Y2, ... in worksheet which will look for corresponding X1, X2...
If you have X set in F. For columns before F, they will try to find the X to their left. Maybe your B is set as X as well. If no X is set, it will use row number as X.

You can right click layer 1 icon on upper left corner of graph, and pick the Plot Setup dialog,which is more powerful. If you select plot in bottom panel (listing existing plots). Middle panel will show its XY. U can change which is X and which is Y and replace.

Thanks, Snow

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