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 Regular XYZ conversion

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lupucelrau Posted - 08/28/2008 : 09:45:27 AM

I am trying to convert a 3-column worksheet to a matrix using the "Regular XYZ". I used this a lot and I really made sure that the data has the proper format. Nevertheless I get the error message "x,y data not matched - try random XYZ conversion". I really do not havy any clue as to why that does not work.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thanky you!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lupucelrau Posted - 08/29/2008 : 05:56:17 AM
I tried what you told me, and I get the result you describe. I will send my data to the tech support as you suggest. I will let you know.
Thanks again!
greg Posted - 08/28/2008 : 5:17:20 PM
The number of points should not be a problem. Assuming your XY data is in column 1 and column two, this script :

wo -a 1;
wcol(wks.ncols) = sort(col(1));
wcol(wks.ncols) = diff(wcol(wks.ncols));
wcol(wks.ncols) = sort(wcol(wks.ncols));
wo -a 1;
wcol(wks.ncols) = sort(col(2));
wcol(wks.ncols) = diff(wcol(wks.ncols));
wcol(wks.ncols) = sort(wcol(wks.ncols));

should produce two new columns that have mostly zero with a number of constant values and one leftover value (from diff() function).
The number of constant values plus 1 should be the number of columns or rows in the regular matrix. Any deviation from a constant indicates irregularity.

If you still see a problem, send your OPJ to
lupucelrau Posted - 08/28/2008 : 4:56:54 PM
Thanks Greg,
I really made sure that the data structure is OK. I used before this operation in Origin, so I knew the drill. The only thing that is different now is that I have a very large dataset now (62500 XYZ triplets).
greg Posted - 08/28/2008 : 2:39:26 PM
Regular data requires that the X Steps are all equal and that the Y steps are all equal and that you have a complete set of X an Y.
If you plot your Y column as scatter, you should see an overhead view of an orchard ( apples, not grapes, so plot in red for the full effect ) There may be missing values or the steps may not be quite even.

Origin 8 shows you this plot preview in the new gridding dialog and shows plots of the X and Y steps as well as a preview of the resulting matrix plus it has a tolerance setting ( in case whoever planted the orchard had imbibed too much of the grape )

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