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 data annotation tool

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SMCA Posted - 09/03/2008 : 08:34:14 AM
Hi there,
when I use the data annotation tool to mark specific points in my plot, then save the project, close it and reopen it, the annotations are still there, but any custom format is missing. Furthermore, and most annoying, the index of the data point is no longer the right one, all data annotations are reset to x[0], y[0].
Any suggestions? Can I somehow restore my data points? I was indexing a several dozens of graphs yesterday, and now I open the project just to find the work of a couple of hours reduced to a bunch of meaningless x[0], y[0] labels.

OriginPro 8SR3 B932
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SMCA Posted - 09/04/2008 : 05:16:37 AM
Hi CP,
You are right. I just checked with an empty project, and there it works. Then I reopened the project where I had the problems with the annotation tool (the old annotations where still missing, and some new ones from yesterday were reset to (0,0)[0]), inserted a new annotation, reopened, and hey presto, it was there again. This behaviour definitely occured after upgrading to SR3. Maybe it has something to do with the graph theme I use. I'll keep an eye on the annotation tool and post back as soon as I see any irregularity.
Thanks for the reply!

OriginPro 8SR3 B932
cpyang Posted - 09/03/2008 : 1:30:25 PM
It seems that we have a serious bug with the Cursor tool, so don't use it, it will look up Origin, leaving only control available from script window.

But I am not able to see a problem with the Annotation tool. I plot 30 row numbers into XY scatter plot and anonotate a few points, save and reopen the OPJ, the graph is still properly anonotated. As the tool simply add the same string to each, and only during drawing that the actual X, Y, and index are updated, it might then be related to something else and might be dependent on the OPJ.

So please try with a new OPJ and if indeed only seen in your OPJ, then please send it to us (can send to


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