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 particles size distribution from SEM photo

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
grigoryevaolga Posted - 01/31/2009 : 07:32:08 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 7.0
Operating System: Windows XP 2000

1. Could you, please, help me to determine the particles size distribution from scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) microphotos using Origin programm. I will be thankful for any help.


2. How to convert the Original image from SEM microphoto to the Threshold image and to determine the particles size distribution?

Thank you in advance for your help.


6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/12/2012 : 12:30:36 PM
Hi olga,

> Probably I have found a solution for myself. It is not fully automatic way but I can determine
> the particle size distribution by using Origin. ...I plot "Profiles"-graph, then I manually determine
> the diameter of about 100 particles,

Apart from ImageJ, if manually, you can also use the "Digitizer" tool.
The following script to unstack the XY data of all-connected trail to the separate pairs of
terminals, and to get the statistics like in the screenshot:
nr=wks.maxRows; nc=wks.nCols;  nobj=0;
worksheet -a 8; //add cols statLabel, stat, ID, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, dia
for(ii=1; ii<=nr; ii=ii+2) {
  xx1=wcol(1)[ii];    yy1=wcol(2)[ii];
  xx2=wcol(1)[ii+1];  yy2=wcol(2)[ii+1];
  wcol(nc+5)[nobj]=xx1;  wcol(nc+6)[nobj]=yy1;
  wcol(nc+7)[nobj]=xx2;  wcol(nc+8)[nobj]=yy2;
wcol(nc+1)[L]$ = "Statistics";
wcol(nc+3)[L]$ = "ID";  wcol(nc+4)[L]$ = "Diameter";
wcol(nc+5)[L]$ = "X1";  wcol(nc+6)[L]$ = "Y1";
wcol(nc+7)[L]$ = "X2";  wcol(nc+8)[L]$ = "Y2";
sum(wcol(nc+5));  //get stats
wcol(nc+1)[1]$ = "N";    wcol(nc+2)[1] = sum.n;
wcol(nc+1)[2]$ = "Mean"; wcol(nc+2)[2] = sum.mean;
wcol(nc+1)[3]$ = "SD";   wcol(nc+2)[3] =;
wcol(nc+1)[4]$ = "Max";  wcol(nc+2)[4] = sum.max;
wcol(nc+1)[5]$ = "Min";  wcol(nc+2)[5] = sum.min;

qilonglouisville2012 Posted - 07/10/2012 : 2:22:47 PM
Hi Steve,I'm trying to analyze the EM particles size distribution using ImageJ, but I can not get the right result. Can you help me to analyze the size or show me how to do it? Thank you so much!
Originally posted by alyrian

Hi Olga,

I dont think you can do image analysis with Origin, only data analysis part and plotting once you have your particle size distribution.

Try ImageJ, it's made for SEM Image Analysis and a freeware

Good luck


nzn Posted - 04/20/2012 : 3:47:25 PM
Hai Olga and everyone,

I have a lot of SEM and TEM images. I want to measure a particle size of my samples from the images. Could you or anyone to help me to do that with origin. FYI, I have OriginPro 8.6.

Because I am a new Origin user, could you please let me know the procedurs step by step.

Thank you very much in advance.

cpyang Posted - 02/16/2009 : 6:49:20 PM
If there are more request on this area, we can easily add such capability to OriginPro. If you can try ImageJ and still think it make good sense to do such analysis (object identification and counting on imported images) in Origin, then we can consider adding it in the next version.

grigoryevaolga Posted - 02/16/2009 : 5:32:39 PM
Hi Steven!

Thank you very much for your answer.
Probably I have found a solution for myself. It is not fully automatic way but I can determine the particle size distribution by using Origin. I just convert CEM microphotos into a pixel matrix, then I plot "Profiles"-graph, then I manually determine the diameter of about 100 particles, then do "Sort Column-Ascending" and finally I select "frequency count" and do the plot "particles (in %) - diameter of particles (in nm)".
Why not?

Nevertheless I will try to use ImageJ program. Thank you again.


alyrian Posted - 02/06/2009 : 6:20:33 PM
Hi Olga,

I dont think you can do image analysis with Origin, only data analysis part and plotting once you have your particle size distribution.

Try ImageJ, it's made for SEM Image Analysis and a freeware

Good luck


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