Hi olga,
> Probably I have found a solution for myself. It is not fully automatic way but I can determine
> the particle size distribution by using Origin. ...I plot "Profiles"-graph, then I manually determine
> the diameter of about 100 particles,
Apart from ImageJ, if manually, you can also use the "Digitizer" tool.
The following script to unstack the XY data of all-connected trail to the separate pairs of
terminals, and to get the statistics like in the screenshot:////////////////////////////////////////////////
nr=wks.maxRows; nc=wks.nCols; nobj=0;
worksheet -a 8; //add cols statLabel, stat, ID, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, dia
for(ii=1; ii<=nr; ii=ii+2) {
xx1=wcol(1)[ii]; yy1=wcol(2)[ii];
xx2=wcol(1)[ii+1]; yy2=wcol(2)[ii+1];
wcol(nc+5)[nobj]=xx1; wcol(nc+6)[nobj]=yy1;
wcol(nc+7)[nobj]=xx2; wcol(nc+8)[nobj]=yy2;
wcol(nc+1)[L]$ = "Statistics";
wcol(nc+3)[L]$ = "ID"; wcol(nc+4)[L]$ = "Diameter";
wcol(nc+5)[L]$ = "X1"; wcol(nc+6)[L]$ = "Y1";
wcol(nc+7)[L]$ = "X2"; wcol(nc+8)[L]$ = "Y2";
sum(wcol(nc+5)); //get stats
wcol(nc+1)[1]$ = "N"; wcol(nc+2)[1] = sum.n;
wcol(nc+1)[2]$ = "Mean"; wcol(nc+2)[2] = sum.mean;
wcol(nc+1)[3]$ = "SD"; wcol(nc+2)[3] = sum.sd;
wcol(nc+1)[4]$ = "Max"; wcol(nc+2)[4] = sum.max;
wcol(nc+1)[5]$ = "Min"; wcol(nc+2)[5] = sum.min;