T O P I C R E V I E W |
appleAMS |
Posted - 06/15/2009 : 3:06:45 PM Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 8 SR1 v8.0773 (B773) Operating System: Windows XP SP3
Dear all,
I have ~30 X-Y datasets (X-axis is for energy and Y-axis is for intensity) measured at different temperatures (temperature is Z-axis). I plotted these datasets in a 3D waterfall plot (see the figure below).
Since the temperatures were not equally spaced (for example, the datasets were measured at 20 C, 30 C, and 80 C...), however, I would like to place the X-Y dataset with an unequal spacing along the temperature z-axis.
From the previous posts, I learned the way how to put the (temperature) lable on the X-Y datasets equally spaced along Z-axis, but could not figure out how to make 3D waterfall plot with an unequal spacing in z-axis. Could anyone please help me how to do this?
Thanks for your help in advance, Susumu |
6 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
appleAMS |
Posted - 06/16/2009 : 1:08:55 PM Hi Easwar,
I think that the 2D waterfall plot using a system parameter is closest to what I wanted to have. I am looking forward to the implementation of z-axis in a waterfall plot in the future release. I appreciate your help a lot.
All my best, Susumu |
easwar |
Posted - 06/16/2009 : 12:53:31 PM Hi Susmu,
We will look into adding Z axis for the waterfall plot in a future release, thanks for bringing this up.
As for the 3DXYY-Waterfall, there does not appear to be any way to make the Z axis be based on actual "z values", it only does evenly spaced.
So currently there does not seem to be a workaround to get the plot you need. The closest is the waterfall plot with labels which at least places the curves at the actual z value spacings.
Easwar OriginLab
appleAMS |
Posted - 06/16/2009 : 11:09:03 AM Hi Easwar,
Thanks for your clarification on the 2D waterfall plot!
Is it possible to set up z-axis instead of placing a label on the X-Y dataset? For example, prepare one column dataset for Z-axis and use it in the 3D XYY waterfall plot or 3D XYZ plot.
Thanks for your help, Susumu
easwar |
Posted - 06/16/2009 : 09:34:18 AM Hi Susumu,
The plot type I mentioned does not support drawing a z axis and only supports placing labels. The XY curves however are placed at the actual z values and not evenly spaced, as you can see from this picture:
To customize the Z axis direction etc you can double click on the X or Y axis and bring up Layer dialog and then on Scale tab switch to Z axis and set the from and to values etc.
Easwar OriginLab
![](/ftp/forum_and_kbase/Images/Waterfall_spacing.png) |
appleAMS |
Posted - 06/15/2009 : 5:45:53 PM Hi easwar,
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I tried the 2D waterfall plot you suggested. If I understood the procedure correctly, we could adjust the label increment on the Z-axis but the spectra are still plotted with an equal spacing.
If we have three X-Y datasets (energy - intensity) measured at unevenly spaced Z values (temperature), X-Y dataset1 (z= 20 C), X-Y dataset2 (z= 30 C), X-Y dataset3 (z= 80 C). I would like to place each spectrum at its z-value along Z-axis (for example, plot X-Y dataset3 at z=80) instead of putting the label on each spectrum. Is there any way to do this?
Again thanks for your answer. Susumu |
easwar |
Posted - 06/15/2009 : 3:27:54 PM Hi Susumu,
There is another way to make waterfall plot with the unevenly spaced Z axis as you need to. Select your data and then select the menu item: Plot->Multi-curve->Waterfall
See this help page (this page is in your Origin help) for further details: http://originlab.com/www/helponline/Origin8/en/customzing_your_graph/customizing_waterfall_plots.htm
If the Z values are stored in a System Parameter row, then the legend -p script command can be used to turn on the z axis labels.
Easwar OriginLab