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 imported image is misaligned when printing

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Andreas_D Posted - 06/11/2010 : 04:18:03 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.0988
Operating System:WinXP Pro SP3

Hi everyone,

when I try to print a graph with an imported image in the background, it is misaligned although the graph window looks fine in print and page view:

This it what it prints like:

The misalignement changes when you change the printer, but it doesn't get good enough, no matter what printer you specify.

I tried different options in the "object properties" and "programming control" box, attaching it to the "page", the "layer frame" and "layer and scale" but was not successful.
Also I changed all options in the "plot details" window, still no improvement.
I also changed the format of the imported image from png to jpg to bmp (importing always done by copy and paste), no success.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Andreas_D Posted - 06/11/2010 : 09:26:52 AM
Hi Shirley,

I just sent the project.

Shirley_GZ Posted - 06/11/2010 : 06:12:44 AM
Hi Andreas,

Sorry, I have no idea how this problem happened even though you have attached the graphs.

To help us reproduce this problem, would you please send us your project file to ?

Please also quote this forum post in the email.


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