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 Linking two matrices in one colour mapped diagram

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torstenschwarz Posted - 04/22/2011 : 11:56:04 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 8.5.0 SR1
Operating System: Win 7 64bit


I have two matrices of 200x256 cells reflecting a map from a scan of a sample with 200 pixels in y-direction and 256 pixels in x-direction. One matrix is filled with wavelength numbers and the second one with intensity values, every value belongs to one single pixel. Now I want to get a x-y-diagram showing how many times one wavelength belongs to one certain intensity (intensity as x, wavelength as y). And the frequency of the wavelength belonging to one intensity should be colour coded.

Is there a solution? Or it would even help me if I can connect wavelength and intensity in one diagram without colour coding the frequency.

A brute force method would be to create a worksheat with one x and y column and copy every 2x256 columns in this worksheet. But this is realy hard work/take much time. And I had to do this for more than one time...

Thanks for every helpful hint.
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torstenschwarz Posted - 04/27/2011 : 4:35:38 PM
Thanks for the second link. Now it works very well.
cpyang Posted - 04/26/2011 : 9:11:04 PM
You need to put both matrices into one sheet.

Here is a tutorial link that you can follow:

Also, you can turn on the Image Thumbnail and you should see two images if you have put both in same sheet.

Also, you need to plot with the first matrix object active.


torstenschwarz Posted - 04/26/2011 : 2:12:44 PM
Thanks for your quick answer. I could solve my problem myself (I had to use "Convert to XYZ" to get my data my way).

But I also tried your solution. There is only one problem. When clicking "Front color" to use the matrix values from the second matrix, I only can choose the first matrix. I don't know why...
Can you send me sample with two simple matrices?
That would be nice.

cpyang Posted - 04/23/2011 : 8:33:50 PM
Origin 8.5 supports surface plot with the pixel color coming from another matrix. See

You just need to put both matrices in the same matrix sheet, as matrix object1 and matrix object 2, then make matrix object 1 active and plot it as a Color Fill Surface plot. Then choose "Front Color" popup to pick "Use matrix values" and pick the 2nd matrix as colormap.

torstenschwarz Posted - 04/22/2011 : 12:01:01 PM
What I would expect to get is a coloured cloud of pixels.

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