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 Area 3d

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Eduard_lo Posted - 05/11/2011 : 05:01:06 AM
Hi ¡¡

I use OriginPro 8

I need to build a representation area with X,Y,Z spatial coordinates with intensity color but I´ve to make it from several surfaces X,Y, intensity. I need put it all toghether one above each other to build the total area.
Can someone help me ? I appreciatte your help.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
easwar Posted - 05/11/2011 : 10:01:04 PM
Originally posted by Eduard_lo
I have differents data of intensity in the XY (lenght and width)plane.
Each plane belong to a differents Z coordinate. I´ve 10 planes separated.

How can I integrate all planes, in order to get a map of intensity represented by colors, in the 3D dimensions X (lenght), Y (width) and Z (deep) ?


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Hideo Fujii Posted - 05/11/2011 : 2:35:35 PM
If you are looking for a way to compute the surface area (as your title is Area 3D), you can get it in the version 8.1 or later of OriginPro. When you have XYZ worksheet data, or a matrix, you can choose the menu, "Analysis: Mathematics:"

--Hideo Fujii
OriginLab Corp.
Eduard_lo Posted - 05/11/2011 : 10:08:29 AM
Hi bonniechaney

I have differents data of intensity in the XY (lenght and width)plane.
Each plane belong to a differents Z coordinate. I´ve 10 planes separated.

How can I integrate all planes, in order to get a map of intensity represented by colors, in the 3D dimensions X (lenght), Y (width) and Z (deep) ?

I need some easy instructions since I don´t have many experience in this kind of graphics.

Thanks for your help

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