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 Failed to invoke function XFOperation::ChangeParam

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T O P I C    R E V I E W Posted - 05/12/2011 : 1:15:30 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8 SR0
Operating System:Windows 7

I have re installed origin recently. Now I wanted to change some of the fit parameters in a project created before re installation. I can open the project, but when I go to the green lock (I did gauss fit to the data) and change the parameters , I get the following error :
"Failed to invoke function XFOperation::ChangeParam in file Originlab\XFOperation.cpp, either Origin C file is missing or compilation failed."
Please help me resolve this issue. And I don't want to update my version of Origin. So please give me a solution in the current version.

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
swati_g Posted - 05/17/2013 : 5:50:34 PM
Thank again.....
snowli Posted - 05/17/2013 : 5:30:54 PM
You are very welcome.

You can drag the file and move it to System folder in Code Builder.

Then you don't need to recompile it everytime.

Thanks, Snow Li
OriginLab Corp.
swati_g Posted - 05/17/2013 : 5:22:22 PM
Thanks a lot snowli.... you saved me

But I want to know that do I have to do 'Rebuild All' everytime I start origin coz it's showing same problem if I dont do 'Rebuild All'
snowli Posted - 05/17/2013 : 3:48:24 PM

In Code Builder, right click User folder in left panel and choose Add Files.

Navigate to Origin exe\OriginC\OriginLab\ folder.
Add wksOperation.c.

Choose Build: Rebuild All menu.

Thanks, Snow Li
OriginLab Corp.

swati_g Posted - 05/17/2013 : 3:27:55 PM
I am having same problem
Origin verion: 8 PRO

I run the script run.LoadOC(Originlab\XFOperation.cpp, 16) but in temporary folder only XFOperation was found and got following error message

C:\Program Files\OriginLab\Origin8\OriginC\Originlab\WKSOPERATION.C(483) :Error, Function get_source_page_name@LBAAAAAAOGAAAAAABCAAAAAALBAAAAAA was called, but its body could not be located during linking.
Linking Failed!

Plz help me soon. I am in a very big problem due to this Posted - 06/08/2011 : 01:27:14 AM
It worked Iris..Thanks a lot..Thank you so much.

Iris_Bai Posted - 06/06/2011 : 9:32:11 PM

Please run the following script in Script window. It will include XFOperation.cpp file and the dependent files into Code Builder workspace.
run.LoadOC(Originlab\XFOperation.cpp, 16)

After running, please check Temporary folder in Code Builder, there are 3 files and have been compiled and linked.

Or directly manually add the following 3 files into User folder in Code Builder(added files to Workspace):

BTW, the function body of GetTree method is in wksOperation.c.

Please try.

Iris Posted - 06/06/2011 : 3:27:06 PM
Dear Hideo,
I do not want to upgrade to new version now. The last time I did, it messed up everything and I had to reinstall !! Could you please answer my last question instead, i.e., where the body of the function GetTree(Treenode&) is supposed to be located ?

Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/06/2011 : 1:23:08 PM
Hi AB,

Origin 8.0 SR0 is a quite early release, and the most fixed release is SR6. I suggest you to upgrade to SR6 by check-for-updates first so that we can eliminate the possibility of bugs which may have been already fixed in the later service release.

--Hideo Fujii

P.S. You can reinstall 8.0 SR6 directly from its installation file downloadable from: Posted - 06/06/2011 : 11:17:44 AM
Please give me a solution other than re-installation....These kind of unfortunate problems are turning me off from origin...but I really want to continue with it as I have done a lot of programming stuff in origin C to use with my research andi t might be hard for me to switch at this point! Also everytime I reinstall, i loose all my settings which I don't want to. So re-installation is not an option for me....
I have found the following :
I went to the *.cpp file mentioned in my last post, added it to my workspace and try to compile it ..get the following error message:

C:\Program Files (x86)\OriginLab\Origin8\OriginC\OriginLab\XFOPERATION.CPP(383) :Error, Function GetTree@_OGAAAAAA was called, but its body could not be located during linking.
Linking Failed!

So it seems somehow I have messed with the file which has the body of the GetTree function....
So can anyone tell me which file is supposed to have the body of this function ?

AB Posted - 06/06/2011 : 10:50:57 AM
Hi there, the problem is there in all the origin files I have made (all where I have used fitting) before re-installation...In one of them it went away like I said before but now, as I try to open the others, all have the same problem saying :
"Failed to invoke function XFOperation::ChangeParam in file Originlab\XFOperation.cpp, either Origin C file is missing or compilation failed."
Please help quickly..

AB Posted - 05/19/2011 : 3:21:16 PM
Its solved..never mind

easwar Posted - 05/12/2011 : 2:19:57 PM
Hi AB,

Please click the link "Send File to Tech Support" on top right of the forum page, then send your OPJ to us, so we can take a look. Refer to this forum post in your message.


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