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 impASC Error

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gleeblejim Posted - 11/30/2011 : 09:15:40 AM
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening!

I've been developing a new opx for my company and whenever I import data through the Menu Item my opx makes, I get the following error:

impASC:X-Function failed to execute!
Bad argument, menu:=Stuff\Trial
Allowed Values are:
single, multiple

The odd thing is that if I import the same file on my desktop it imports perfectly. I only get the message above when I'm importing something out of folders. Also if I do File->Import->Single ASCII both import just fine.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gleeblejim Posted - 12/05/2011 : 11:14:17 AM
Learned that when using impasc %1, if you have a space in the file name or folder name, then it will create a new string at every space causing the error. if you use impasc "%1", then it will work. Learned this from Originlabs great customer service!

gleeblejim Posted - 12/01/2011 : 11:56:47 AM
yeah the "menu:=Stuff\Trial" was taken from the folder location. It wasn't in the script. It looks like my issue goes back to my other post "impasc vs. open -w". I didn't have this issue with open -w, but it wouldn't see the long names. I'm not using impasc which is working great minus seeing errors like I listed. The Bad Argument Error changes depending on what someone named their folders as. Suggestions?
gleeblejim Posted - 12/01/2011 : 06:41:38 AM
Thanks CP. I'll double check but I think that line isn't in my code. That's part of the folder location. The folder is on my desktop. It's Desktop -> Smorigin Stuff\Trial Data\ and then the data. But when I have the data files directly on my desktop it doesn't give me any issues.
cpyang Posted - 11/30/2011 : 4:13:35 PM
You should remove "menu:=Stuff\Trial" from the script. That option is only for controlling how the XF appears in menu, should not be used in code at all.


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