Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.5 SR1 Operating System:Win XP
Dear all,
I have a problem with convertin a xyz-worksheet to a matrix. I read allready plenty of topics and I tried several thing but I'm not able to find a good solution. Actually I stored 21o data files in one worksheet which has now around 100.000 rows with x,y,z-data. What I would like to do is to interplate xyz to get x and y equally spaced to export them into an ascii file which I need for another application. I thought the easiest way would be to convert them with a gridding method to a matrix and after that export them. The matrix dimension I would prefer should be 2000x2000.
Actually I forgot to Spechts the Problem. The x Col contains values from 2.435 to 120.6, y-col -89.6 to 30.6. The matrix should contain the z values interpolated by the given xyz-data in the range from 2.5 to 120 and -30 to 30 equally spaced in 0.5 and 0.05. Which gridding method should I use? I tried with splenka but the chose min and max values were nor supported. Most of the other gridding methods led to a crash of the application.
this morning I got another idea which seems to work properly. I used to convert form XYZ to Matrix the gridding method renka cline with the default settings. After that I did an interpolation using spline method of the matrix in the needed range.
Even that this time I didn't need help finally, thx for having the possibility to post questions here.