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 Automatic calculation of rows using other sheets
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Posted - 06/20/2012 :  04:18:26 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.0951
Operating System: Windows 7

I am calculating a number of cell entries for several rows automatically after entering new values in a certain row (sheet Sheet1 of my book). One of the things is a linear fit of the data. The result is given in the usual new sheet of my book (in my case it is a new sheet called FitNL2)
Since I need the fitted parameters i get them using the "calculate values" option with the script "range slope=FitNL2!B8" before the calculation and using "slope[2]" as calculation formula. It works and gives me the slope of the fit, that is stored in the cell B8[2] of sheet FitNL2. The problem only is, i want to recalculate this value automatically, but every time i enter a new value and the whole recalculation procedure is starting, the "recalculate automatically"-flag in the respective column vanishes and the value is not recalculated. All other rows are recalculated correctly, also the fit is done new.
Can I somehow give the order of the recalculation? maybe he has a problem with the order in the meaning that he wants to get the value from the other sheet before it is recalculated or whatever.
Or is it in general not possible to get values from other sheets automatically at all?
Even setting it from "automatically recalculate" to "manually recalculate" it deleted the respective flag after i entered a new value.
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