I am interested in doing protein folding calculations using origin. I know that my protein unfolds via a three state mechanism because there are two different unfolding transitions monitored by two different techniques. I have a three state equation that must be used and two curves that need to be fit to get the data. I also know that because there are two curves that make up the whole, I must use a global fit to fit both curves. The three state equation takes into account that there are two curves and so there are two of each parameter built into the equation. However when I do a global fit using a three state equation, origin doubles all the parameters and now I have twice as many parameters as I would need. I can share all the parameters since it is only one protein and get the correct number of parameters but then I only get one curve fit which is the average of the two curves rather than two fits, one for each curve. Is there any way to do a global fit on two curves without doubling the number of parameters?